trustee area 4 vacancy

On August 6, 2024, the Board announced its intention to begin the process of provisionally appointing an interested candidate to fill the vacated seat. Interested candidates were invited to complete an application packet.

On September 3, 2024, the names and application packets of the eligible candidates were posted. They were invited to participate in an interview. On September 11, 2024, the Board interviewed the candidates for the vacant position in open session. The Board appointed Magdalena Serrano to fill the vacancy. 

The Board is responsible for ensuring the District operates effectively and efficiently. Trustees commit a significant amount of time, energy, effort and dedication to ensure that the District can appropriately serve our community. For more information regarding the provisional appointment, you may contact the Superintendent's Office at 805-922-4573, Ext. 4202 or email

Notice of Provisional Appointment